CBD Massage

Your CBD massage experience combines the long, flowing strokes of Hawaiian Lomi Lomi massage, the assisted stretches and accupressure of Thai yoga massage, and the potential health benefits of cannabidiol-infused oil to leave you relaxed, energized, and more at home in your body.

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a natural compound derived from the cannabis plant. It is neither mind-altering nor addictive, and as the recent proliferation of CBD shops might suggest, it appeals to the many who seek a natural and safe approach to health and well being.

CBD has been studied extensively for a range of health issues — most notably from a body worker’s standpoint, for potential reduction of pain and inflammation.

Ready to book a CBD massage?

Please note: the following is intended to be informational about possible benefits of CBD. I do not claim that a massage with CBD-infused oil would help or treat any medical condition.

That said, CBD does hold a potential for healing that’s exciting even for hippie-haters. More study is needed, but the studies that have concluded are overwhelmingly positive.

Here are some examples:

Studies suggest that CBD may be effective in relieving symptoms of chronic pain by impacting the body’s natural endocannabinoid receptors, reducing both perceived pain and actual inflammation.

CBD shows promise as a possible anxiety and depression remedy, and has been used successfully to treat children with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and insomnia.

CBD may also relieve some symptoms related to cancer and cancer treatment, including pain, nausea, and vomiting. Some in vitro studies showed that CBD may actually kill certain types of cancer cells.

CBD may also be neuroprotective, potentially offering relief for people with epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, and other disorders. It may also help prevent neurodegeneration, which could stave off cognitive decline.

Studies also show promise of CBD having heart-protective effects by lowering high blood pressure and reducing oxidative stress.

Again, the potential benefits of CBD are many, but I make no medical claims. I will promise you an awesome massage with a high quality oil that smells really good.

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